Back in January I posted about 3 Tips for a Successful Quiet Time. I posted this because I know how easily I can get distracted or discouraged with my own quiet time. We recently launched the men's version of the Dwell Deeply Journals. These journals are quiet time companion journals that help you to dwell on truth. So, I asked my husband, Alex, for three additional ideas he had for a successful quiet time.
Hey there, it's Alex. First, off I wanted to ditto what Machelle said in her previous quiet time blog post. Her three tips were to 'set the mood' or create a space to have a quiet time, ditch your phone (unless you need it for the Bible app), and leave your Bible and/or devotional material out. I thought these tips were very helpful, and wanted to contribute some of my own.
1. Leave Out Your To-Do List
This may sound very goofy to some of you, but hang with me! I am very easily distracted - let me repeat that - I am very easily distracted. Frequently when I sit down to do my quiet time I will read something that reminds me of something I need to do. It can be tempting to quick pay the bills before I forget, or quick reply to that email. So, as a solution I leave out my to-do list. That way if I remember something I need to do while I am trying to focus on the word, I can write it down instead of jumping to get it done. So, if you get distracted like me leave your to do list out to quickly jot down thoughts, to-do's, and ideas so you can get them out of your head and continue to concentrate.
2. Be Okay With A Short Quiet Time
I love the days when I can spend an hour in the word. The reality is that usually only happens on Saturdays. It can be frustrating on weekday mornings when I run out of time for a "full quiet time". Here is what I have learned, it's okay to have a short quiet time. Being hard on yourself for not being able to have a lengthy quiet time every day can defeat the purpose and intent of letting the word be a part of your life. If you find during the week you only have ten minutes every morning - then embrace that! Taking that time to pray or read a devotional is so much more fruitful than being upset with yourself. Embrace those ten minutes, and embrace a short quiet time on occasion.
Men's Dwell Deeply Journals // Quiet Time Companion Journals //
3. Use Your Time Creatively
I mentioned in the last post that I have learned to be okay with shorter quiet times on occasion. This tip goes along with that. I have learned to use my time in the morning while getting ready creatively. For example, every morning I wake up and go sit on the toilet. I know that this toilet pit-stop is going to take me ten-fifteen minutes. Instead of scrolling through social media while I sit on the pot, I now keep a devotional book in the bathroom. My phrase for this is "meeting God on the throne, while on the throne" (Machelle is going to hate this). My point is that there is probably time where you are standing around, sitting around or waiting on something (breakfast, coffee, etc.) where you could be reading the Bible, a devotional, or praying. Think creatively about how you can utilize your time, and create space to be in the word.
I hope these tips from Alex, and the previous tips I shared on the blog help you dive in and have a successful quiet time. If you don't know where to start or need some help along the way our Dwell Deeply Journals are a great resource.
Have a great one friends! We are cheering you on!